Original idrija lace design Tina Koder

Hong Kong exhibition and presentation

  • Hong Kong exhibition opening Tina Koder
  • Exhibition opening

Between November 3rd an 7th I participated in „Zodiac Morphosis: Art&Fashion in the digital age“ event, organized by Hong Kong-based company Aoku 3D. As one of a select group of international designers and artists I was invited to showcase my work in the exhibition fusing art and fashion, East and West, handcraft and technology, emphasizing individualism and costumization.

  • Hong Kong exhibition opening 2016
  • Hong Kong exhibition visitors 2016

The event was held in Loft22 at the iconic California Tower, in collaboration with the Lan Kwai Fong Group.

A part of the exhibition was dedicated to the Zodiac jewelry collection, made by a group of international artists-designers (including myself), inspired by the work of recently deceased Viatnamese painter, master Nguyen Tu Ngiem. My contribution to the collection were two bracelets, made by the Chinese Zodiac motives of snake and dragon.

Apart from that, I presented a selection of my Original Idrija Lace jewelry, chosen for the occasion.

  • me and Lionel T Dean
  • me and Ting Tang

My co-exhibitors were Dr.Lionel T. Dean (Future Factories), British designer and professor, a pioneer of „computational design“and the creative use of digital design and manufacturing technologies, who presented a series of lamps/art pieces; Jonathan Riss, Creative Director &founder of Jay Ahr brand from Paris, who presented his rich, Zodiac-inspired embroderies on canvas and clothes and three jewelry designers, using the 3D printing technology: Ting Tang (Elements Lab) from Taiwan, Desmond Chan (Vulcan Jewelry) and Mings 3D company from Hong Kong.

Two other artists took part in making of the Zodiac jewelry collection, Macedonian Biljana Klekačkoska (silver filigree) and Australian Marta Cherednik (Malinko, 3D printing).

  • Hong Kong exhibition visitor
  • Lace dragonfly in Hong Kong
  • Zodiac jewelry
  • lace snake zodiac

The attending artists conducted a series of free public seminars and live demonstration workshops, sharing our creative explorations and vision of art and fashion. I brought my lacing pillow with me, to live-demonstrate the technique of hand-made bobbin lace that I use in my work. In the first part of my talk I shared the story of 300-year tradition of Idrija bobbin lace and then I spoke about my own work as a contemporary lace designer.

I was happy to see the audience took a lot of interest in my work, especially in the lacing technique itself, which seems to be rather unknown in Hong Kong and mainland China, in spite of their own rich textile tradition. In return, I learned some more about the possibilities of 3D printing.

The event was very well prepared and the exhibition opening was an important social event of the season.

  • lace lecture Hong Kong 2016
  • Radio interview Hong Kong
  • Projection


Copyright by Tina Koder & Infotronika 2008-2025